You can Download Boxy SVG from our site for free
Boxy SVG
Boxy SVG project goal is to create the best SVG editor for non-technical users as well as for professional designers and developers. SVG is the standard format for storing vector graphics such as icons, banners, charts and illustrations.
- Clean and intuitive interface inspired by Inkscape, Sketch and Adobe Illustrator.
- Support for on-canvas editing: object geometry, transformation, drawing and other properties.
- Ability to save the file in SVG and SVGZ formats, export to PNG, JPG, WebP, PDF and HTML5.
- Open integration of image library with thousands of free vector images.
- Integration with Google Fonts with hundreds of free fonts.
- Customizable keyboard shortcuts for more than 100 commands.
- Manual guides, intelligent guides and grid.
- Path operations (merge, intersect, subtract, delete, close, reverse, etc.).
- Arrangement operations (alignment, rotation, flip, order, group, etc.).
- Chromium-based rendering engine
- SVG and CSS code inspector similar to Chrome Dev Tools
- Clean SVG output that preserves IDs, classes, titles and other metadata
- SVG sprites editing support
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Requirements: OS X 10.9 or later 64-bitt