VPN365, the best free high-speed WiFi VPN with unlimited proxy connection time. Offers you the freedom to access your favorite content, websites, apps, videos from anywhere and encrypts your internet activities to protect you from hackers.
VPN 365 review
If you want to have access to sites restricted in your area and at the same time create a safe Internet environment by hiding your IP address, then use the VPN 365 app.
Key Features:
- No paid access;
- High speed operation;
- Unlimited VPN proxy;
- Free access to websites (Line, WeChat, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, etc.), programs, videos, etc;
- Encryption of your data and online activity;
- Unlocking VoIP network and video calls;
- Privacy of using a public wi-fi hotspot;
- No registration required;
- Simple, intuitive interface;
- Availability of one contact to connect to a VPN proxy;
- Full protection against hacking.
- Ads removed / disabled
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Requirements: 4.0.3+