Novel Factory is a specialized program created for novelists. It allows splitting the work into separate chapters, chapters – into scenes,
to add characters and comments to them. The program is perfect for structuring large amounts of text. In addition, there is automatic saving
of your work and counting the words in chapters and scenes.
The Novel Factory review
The program performs approximately the same functions as yWriter, but allows you to work not only with text information, but also with graphics. Here for your fantasy is not
there will be restrictions. You can add illustrations that will visualize the characters in your story.
The main and most valuable feature of the program is the ability to easily and easily organize the working material and (especially important for beginners) to be sure of it,
that the very literary and production minimum required for a productive novel is fully respected by you.
- Fast text orientation.
- Easy to change the order of scenes and chapters.
- Auto-save all variants of the text in subfolders, the possibility of reverting to the old version.
- Monitoring of daily performance and percentage of planned performance.
- Database of characters, locations and items (with image support).
- Display of used words frequency, search for parasitic words.
- Ability to control tension and readiness of scenes.
Also recommended to you Download CCleaner Pro
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License: ShareWare
Download The Novel Factory 1.37.1 – (19.4 Mb)