The first thing you usually pay attention to when choosing a program to write a blog is the number of services it supports, with this parameter MarsEdit is fine. The client can work with WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, Squarespace, TypePad, Movable Type, LiveJournal, Drupal, Vox and many other less popular blog platforms.
MarsEdit review
The interface of the program is not very beautiful, but it is quite convenient to use, all you need is at hand. The window of the program is divided into two parts, the list of blogs is displayed on the left, and the posts added to the right.
Adding a new blog does not take much time, all MarsEdit needs is a link to it and the name, the type of blog platform the program determines by itself, what can be brought to it in the plus, especially if we are talking about bloggers – beginners.
If the user does not have a blog yet, MarsEdit will offer to create it on Blogger or WordPress platform.
In some measure, possibilities of the editor are capable to argue with possibilities TextMate. Well and if to you and it is not enough MarsEdit perfectly integrates with external editors (including with aforementioned TextMate).
Images in blog can be added not only from computer, but also from galleries on Flickr, if you have an account there.
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Requirements: macOS 10.12 or later 64-bit