Earth Wars is a fantastic Android action. In the story, hostile alien creatures came to Earth, who immediately enslaved the planet. In the battle with them, mankind was powerless and came to the brink of destruction. However, after a while, mankind had hope for salvation. As a result of scientific researches introduction of metal constructions, including weapons, into human organism became possible. Scientists managed to create a new type of soldiers who would be able to fight more effectively with the aliens and lead them to surrender. In the role of one of these fighters the player will go into dangerous battles, where he is waiting for hordes of extraterrestrial monsters. The user can choose one of the soldiers and upgrade him after each battle.
How to Download and use the APK file to install EARTH WARS
- Go to the security settings of the gadget.
- Check the box to enable the system to install mobile utilities from unknown sources.
- Download File from the link below
- Open the download folder in the File manager and find the distribution you are installing there.
- Next, run the installation procedure, and everything else the system will do automatically.
Also recommended to you Download McAfee Endpoint Security
Requirements: 4.1+