Dash 5.1.5 MacOS [Full review]

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Dash 5.1.4 MacOS [Full]



Dash is a very convenient application that includes a browser for API documentation and sample code snippets, for the following languages, programming environments and databases.


  • Offline Documentation: iOS, OS X, watchOS, Swift, Man Pages, .NET Framework, ActionScript, Akka, Android, AngularJS, Angular.dart, Ansible, Apache, Appcelerator Titanium, AppleScript, Arduino, Backbone, Bash, Boost, Bootstrap, Bourbon, Bourbon Neat, C, C++, CakePHP, Cappuccino, Chai, Chef, Clojure, CMake, Cocos2D, Cocos2D-X, CodeIgniter, CoffeeScript, ColdFusion, Common Lisp, Compass, Cordova, Corona, CSS, D3.js, Dart, Django, Dojo Toolkit, Drupal, ElasticSearch, Elixir, Emacs Lisp, Ember.js, Emmet.io, Erlang, Express.js, Expression Engine, ExtJS, Flask, Font Awesome, Foundation, GLib, Go, Grails, Groovy, Grunt, Haml, Haskell, HTML, Jade, Jasmine, Java SE, Java EE, JavaFX, jаvascript, Joomla, jQuery, jQuery Mobile, jQuery UI, Knockout.js, Kobold2D, Laravel, LaTeX, Less, Lo-Dash, Lua, Marionette.js, Meteor, MomentJS, MongoDB, Mongoose, Mono, MooTools, MySQL, Nginx, Node.js, NumPy, OCaml, OpenCV, OpenGL, Perl, PhoneGap, PHP, PHPUnit, Play Framework, Polymer.dart, PostgreSQL, Processing.org, Prototype, Puppet, Python, Qt, R, Redis, RequireJS, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Rust, Sass, SaltStack, Scala, SciPy, Sencha Touch, Sinon, Smarty, Sparrow, Spring Framework, SproutCore, SQLAlchemy, SQLite, Statamic, Stylus, SVG, Symfony, Tcl, Tornado, Twig, Twisted, TYPO3, Underscore.js, Unity 3D, Vagrant, Vim, VMware vSphere, WordPress, Xamarin, Xojo, XSLT, XUL, Yii, YUI, Zend Framework, Zepto.js.
  • Download docsets from CocoaDocs.org, RubyGems.org, Maven.org (Java and Scala), Packagist.org (PHP) and GoDoc.org.
  • Supports docsets generated using popular tools like Appledoc and Doxygen.
  • Methods are conveniently shown in a special Table of Contents.
  • Highlighted in-page search.
  • Save bookmarks of your most used documentation pages.
  • Create search profiles to easily switch between docsets.
  • Easily search specific docsets by defining keyword filters (e.g. start your query with “ruby:” to search only the Ruby documentation).
  • Integration plugins for: Xcode, Alfred, Quicksilver, LaunchBar, Coda, Espresso, PopClip, Sublime Text, Atom, Brackets, Chocolat, Emacs, Vim, BBEdit, TextWrangler, TextMate, Eclipse, AppCode, Android Studio, IntelliJ Idea, RubyMine, WebStorm, PhpStorm, PyCharm, Terminal, AppleScript.
  • Easily integrate with any other application using the “dash://” URL scheme or the “Look up in Dash” system service.
  • Annotate any documentation page and view public annotations.
  • Use alongside Dash for iOS to turn your iOS device into a remote screen just for documentation.
  • Fuzzy search. Don’t let misspells get in your way.
  • Built for speed. Searching is almost instant.

Also recommended to you War Robots

Requirements: OS X 10.10 or later 64-bit

Dash 5.1.5 MacOS – (17 Mb)

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